Photography Print Templates

Ackee Seed Photo

Ackee Seed Photo by Godserv Designs depicts a closeup of a group of yellow Akee fruit with a shiny black seed. This is the National Fruit of Jamaica which is used to cook and prepare the National Dish of Jamaica, Ackee, and Saltfish.

Brochures Funeral Programs Print Templates

Tropica Funeral Poster Canva Template

Tropica Funeral Poster Canva Template, Print Sizes 24″x36, 20”x30”, 18″x24″ and 16″x20″, is for a creative modern commemorative or going home service. Designed specifically for funerals but can be edited for weddings and other events. The memorial photo display is designed with green and gold, Tropical Florals, over a Marble stone background. DETAILS Sizes: 4 […]